Burn Permits

Photo credit: www.coastalcountry.com



Burn permits are required for all outdoor burning in the Lake County Air Basin and are only issued from the Lake County Air Quality Management District (LCAQMD).

A smoke management plan is required for all multi-day burns, standing vegetation burns, whole tree or vine removals over one acre, burns over 20 acres in size, and any other burns where significant smoke impacts may occur or sensitive receptors may be impacted. Smoke management plans can be obtained at the Lake County Air Quality Management District office most weekdays, call first to make an appointment at 707-263-7000. Check out their website: Home (lcaqmd.net)

Only clean dry vegetation that was grown on the property may be burned. Residential burn permits require a one-acre or larger lot of record, a burn location that is located at least 100 feet from all neighbors and at least 30 feet from any structure.

Lot clearing/land development burns require special permits available at your local fire protection district. Burn only the amount of material that can be completely consumed during burn hours. Read your burn permit carefully and follow all the conditions.

Consider using the vegetative waste pickup provided with your waste collection services or composting as an alternative to burning leaves. Please be considerate of your neighbors.

A permit does not allow you to create health problems for others. You can be liable for health care costs, fines, and other costs resulting from your burning.

Lake County’s joint fire agencies and Air Quality Management District’s open burning program has incorporated both fire safety and air quality management since 1987.


Agricultural Burning is permitted only on burn days unless an economic hardship exemption permit has been issued. Routine agricultural burning is performed under a general permit. A Smoke Management Plan is required for burning orchards, large land conversions, vineyard removal projects, standing brush, forest understory, multi-day and multi-location bums. For more information regarding burning after May 15t contact the Lake County Air Quality Management District. An exemption burn permit may be obtained depending on your circumstances. Contact the Lake County Air Quality Management District if you have any questions at 707-263-7000.

Do not burn unless clearance and weather conditions are fire safe. Tree stump or whole tree burns shall occur oniy on extended burn days. On limited burn days, material should be burned down to embers and not releasing significant amounts of smoke by 3pm.

It is illegal to burn: poison oak, oleander, demolition and construction debris, treated or painted wood, plastics, tires, rubber, and garbage. Only dry vegetation grown on the property may be burned. Burn piles must be reasonably free of dirt, soil, and moisture. You are responsible for ensuring that your fire is free of illegal materials.

All material to be burned shall be arranged, ignited and managed so that it will burn with a minimum of smoke and not transport into residential areas.

Vegetation shall be dried as follows:
1. Trees and branches over six (6) inches in diameter: sixty (60) days.
2. Vines and brush: thirty (30) days.
3. Prunings and smaller branches: fifteen (15) days.
4. Field crops, brush and weeds cut in a green condition: seven (7) days.
5. Other materials: drying time will be determined by the designated agency.
6. Designated agencies may modify the above drying times as conditions warrant.
Be aware of and manage smoke from your burn. You are responsible for nuisance and health effects upon others and may be responsible for costs of medical treatment, property damage, and fire suppression, as well as fines. Many of the elderly and young children are especially sensitive to smoke.
Please consider alternative vegetation disposal methods such as mowing, discing, rototilling, composting, or chipping.

Composting & Chipping Information:
Lake County Fire Safe Council Chipper: 279-2968
South Lake Fire Safe Council Chipper: 928-5232
Composting Hotline: 263-1980
Master Gardeners: 263-6838
Refuse Service & Green Waste Pickup Information:
Lake County Waste Solutions 263-7682
South Lake Disposal 994-8613
Lakeport Disposal 263-6080


Smoke Plan Required from Air Quality If Checked:
Complaint History FPD Request Multi-Day Fire (overnight burning) Smoke Impact Potential
More Than I Acre: Standing Vegetation, Tules, or Whole Vine or Tree Removal Non-Adjacent Lots or Parcels

1. The permit is issued to the applicant and is valid for agricultural burning at the location described above on designated burn days and hours only.
2. The burn shall not be located in a public road or public roadway ditch. This permit is not valid where locally prohibited.
3. Burning at multi-family residential locations, resorts, trailer parks, and all commercial and industrial sites is illegal.
4. All burning done in accordance with this pennit must be carried out in the presence of an able-bodied, responsible adult who shall remain in charge of the burn until material to be burned is completely consumed.
5. All burning is to be confined within a cleared firebreak, adequate to prevent it from escaping control.
6. A water supply capable of extinguishing the fire shall be available at the burn site. This permit must be on site during burn.
7. This permit is valid only for burning dry vegetation that was grown on this property.
8. Small amounts of clean, dry, non-glossy paper and cardboard may be used to ignite pile.
9. Material to be burned shall be free of illegal materials including but not limited to: poison oak, oleander, treated or painted wood, rubber, plastics, tarpaper, construction or demolition debris, metal, and materials producing toxc smoke.
10. Vegetation must be dried and free of dirt. No green or wet vegetation may be burned. See back side for required drying times.
11. This permit is suspended on no burn days and at all times of critical fire conditions as declared by the State Forester, Calfire, by proclamation of the Governor, the Lake County Board of Supervisors, or Fire Chief.
12. Any violation of the terms and conditions of this permit renders this permit void.
13. No burning shall be undertaken unless weather conditions (particularly the wind) are such that burning can be considered safe and smoke does not cause harm or damage to adjacent persons or property.
14. Lake County AQMD or Designated Fire Agencies shall have free access of entry for the purposes of inspection, monitoring or securing samples for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit.
15. Burn must be managed to minimize smoke and conducted to avoid smoke impacts to neighbors.
16. Burn pile must be located a minimum of 100 feet from any structures and any adjacent residences.
17. This permit is valid only on those days during which agricultural burning is not prohibited by the State Air Resources Board.
18. Unless otherwise specified below burning shall be confined to 9am through 3pm on permissive burn days except for grass, leaf, or field crops which shall be 11am through 3pm.
19. Call: North County at 263.3121 or South County at 994.4444 for burn day status prior to igniting fire.


  • ONLY Residential Burn Permits may be purchased online. In order to qualify for and purchase a Residential Burn Permit the property must be greater than 1 acre in size and currently have a residence on it. Your online burn permit will be considered invalid if incorrect amount is paid.
  • You must have a copy of your burn permit form and proof of payment for your online burn permit to be valid.

Purchase your permit online at http://southlakecountyfire.org/home/permits/.